V.J. Varghese |
Ph.D. ( University of Hyderabad
) |
Centre for South and Central Asian
Studies (CSCAS)
School of Global Relations |
E-mail : |
vjebee@gmail.com |
Qualifications |
Course |
Institution |
Year |
Details |
Ph.D. |
of History, University of Hyderabad
2008 |
as History: A Study of Peasant Migration in Kerala
from Travancore to Malabar, 1920-1970” |
of History, University of Calicut |
1995 |
(Specialisation: Modern History) |
Profile |
Institution |
Designation |
Duration |
Role |
of Sussex, United Kingdom |
Scholar (on ESRC-ICSSR Visiting Fellowship) |
Nov 2010-Feb
and Seminars
Centre for
Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum
July 2007-
March 20011 |
and teaching |
Icfai Institute
of Science and Technology, Hyderabad |
in Humanities and Social Sciences |
Jan 2006-
June 2007 |
Sree Sankaracharya
University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala |
in History |
June 1997-
Feb 2000 |
N.S.S. College, Manjeri,
Kerala |
in History (LV) |
1996- March 1997 |
of Specialization |
South Asian history, Transnational migrations from South
Asia, Making of modern subjectivities
and Regional
modernities in South Asia |
and Awards |
Visiting Fellowship to the University of Sussex, UK,
Junior Research
Fellowship (UGC) in History (1998) |
(Selectively) |
Books and Special
Journal Issues: |
1. |
Mobility and Buying Vulnerability: Overseas Recruitment
Practices and its Discontents in India, New Delhi:
Routledge (forthcoming, 2011) [Co-authors;
S. Irudaya Rajan & M.S. Jayakumar]
Varshathe Keralam: Chila Arivadayalangal (Malayalam)
[Five Hundred Years of Kerala: A Cultural Study], 1999,
Tapasam/D C Books, Changanasserry, third edition, 2011.
[Co-editors: Scaria Zacharia & N. Vijayamohanan
Pillai |
3. |
and Introduced, Tapasam Journal for Kerala Studies,
Vol. 2, No. 3 & 4, Special issue on ‘Subjectivity,
Self and Marginality’, 2007. |
and Introduced, a Special issue on ‘History, Representations
and Ambivalence’, Tapasam Journal for Kerala
Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1-4, 2010. |
Journal Articles
/ Chapters in Books / Refereed Working Papers |
1. |
Survive or Flourish? Minority Rights and Syrian Christian
Community Assertions in the 20th Century Travancore/Kerala,”
History and Sociology of South Asia, 5(2),
2011, pp. 103-128; (Co-author: J. Devika)
and Inside the Nation: Migrant Narratives and the Making
of a Productive Citizen,” in Discourses: Social
Sciences & Humanities, 1(1), 2010, pp. 1-16 |
3. |
Recruitment in India: Structures, Practices and Remedies,”
Working Paper 421, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum,
2010, (Co-authors: S. Irudaya Rajan and M.S. Jayakumar) |
Labour and Migrations: Understanding Kerala’s
Economic Modernity,” CDS Working Paper 420, Centre
for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 2009. |
Alluring Music of Labour: Migrations and the Recreation
of Syrian Christian Community in Kerala,” Tapasam
Journal for Kerala Studies, 2(3&4), 2007, pp.
501-38. |
6. |
Development and Discourse: Situating Migration to Malabar,”
in Rattanlal Hangloo and A. Murali (eds), New Themes
in Indian History: Art, Politics, Gender, Environment
and Culture, New Delhi: Black & White, 2007,
pp. 468-83. |
7. |
narratives: Reading Literary Representations of Christian
Migration in Kerala, 1920-1970,” in Indian
Economic and Social History Review, 40(2), 2006,
pp. 227-55. |
8. |
Self: Reading Migrant Novels on Malabar Migration”,
Tapasam Journal for Kerala Studies, Vol. 1, No.
2, October 2005, pp. 327-54, 109-18. |
9. |
of Civility and Wilderness in the Ayurvedic Great Triad”,
Calicut University Research Journal, Vol.3,
Issue.2, February 2003, pp. 109-23. |
10. |
of Elamkulam: Some Reconsiderations” (Malayalam),
in V J Varghese , et al.(ed), Anjuru Varshathe Keralam:
Chila Arivadayalangal, pp. 136-53. |
11. |
Beyond the Emigration Act 1983: Some Revisiting the
Recruitment Practices in India,” in S. Irudaya
Rajan (ed.), Governance and Labour Migration: India
Migration Report 2010, New Delhi: Routledge, 2010. |
Projects (jointly) |
1. |
of Labour Migration in India,” research project
funded by the International Labour Organization (ILO),
October 2007 to June 2009.
the Existing Structures: Revamping Overseas Recruitment
System in India,” Research conducted for the Ministry
of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Government of India,
New Delhi, September 2007 to January 2009. |
3. |
Migration and Transformation: Multi-Level Analysis of
Migrant Transnatioanlism,” research project on
migrations from the Indian Punjab to the U.K, funded
by the European Commission, March 2008 to March 2011.
See for details the web site: (http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kasvlait/projektit/transnet/index.php) |
vacant of Parentage: Labour Migration, Transnational
Households and Children,” research project on
the impact of migration on children, funded by Rockefeller
foundation, June 2008 to December 2009. |
Project for preparing a comprehensive background document
for National Migration Policy for India; document submitted
to the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs in March
2009. |
Research Presentations and Seminars (international) |
1. |
the Pristine to the Peccant: Agricultural Expansion,
Migration and the Production of New Subjects in South
India, 1920-70,”and “He Selected Me: Migration,
Marriage and Desertion of Wives in Indian Punjab,”
at the International Conference on ‘Assessing
the Complexities of South Asian Migration’, at
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
19-21 May 2011.
Far Away: Transnational Properties and its Discontents
in Indian Punjab,” IMI Brown Bag Seminar Series,
International Migration Institute, University of Oxford,
9 February 2011.
3. |
Discontents: Marriage, Property and Migrant Transnationalism
in Indian Punjab,” Social Science Seminar, University
of Bielefeld, Germany, 7 February 2011. |
Informality and Social Licitness: Migrations from Eastern
Punjab,” Sussex Migration Research Seminars, University
of Sussex, UK, 3 February 2011. |
civilization and building the "Canaan": agricultural
migration and its conflicting rationalities in South
India, 1920-1970,” South Asian Seminar Series,
Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge,
2 February 2011. |
6.. |
of nostalgia: Migration, marriage and the Punjabi transnational
Public,” Open Symposium on Transnational Relations
in the Contemporary World, University of Tampere, Finland,
31 January 2011. |
7. |
the Pristine to the Peccant: Agricultural Expansion,
Migration and the Production of New Subjects in South
India, 1920-70,” Centre for Migration and Diaspora
Studies Seminar Series, School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London, 26 January 2011. |
8. |
in Translation: Land Labour and Migrations in Kerala,
South India, 1900-70,” CWEH Seminar Series, centre
for World Environmental History, University of Sussex,
28 January 2011. |
9. |
Across Borders: Migrations from Eastern Punjab and its
Social Licitness,” Seminar Programme, School of
Social Sciences, University of Northumbria, Newcastle
, UK, 19 January 2011. |
10. |
Selected Me: Migration, Marriage and Desertion of Wives
in Indian Punjab,” CSAS Seminar Series, Centre
of South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK,
13 January 2011. |
11. |
as a Transnational Enterprise: Emigrations from Eastern
Punjab and Socially Licit Rationalities,” at the
international conference on “Globalising Asia”
organised by Nordic Association for South Asian Studies
in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, 27-29
May 2010, at Helsinki, Finland. |
last updated
on:- |
02,May, 2013 |